Think about the importance of diversity in the workplace…no matter what kind of diversity comes to your head, the underlying principle is that different ideas, perspectives, approaches, experiences and backgrounds all come together to create a richer, more productive way to do work.

So why does team building not always take into account diversity? Specifically, I am talking about cognitive diversity.

Mixing it up in terms of gender and racial diversity is incredibly valuable and essential – most creative, balanced companies do it well. But how many organizations get the importance of embracing different ways of thinking?

Building a Strong Team:

It starts within the group…try inviting a healthy creative tension that elevates the group’s overall work production. The trick is to embrace this tension and value its significant contribution to the group.

Providing Better Solutions for Your Clients:

Leadership, management and team diversity doesn’t limit benefits to a healthier group atmosphere. It makes a huge difference to what teams actually produce! When a group embraces different viewpoints, it is ensuring that its output speaks to all people. And that means resonance, trust and stronger customer relationships.

In Emergenetics, we call this intersection of diverse talent a WEteam – a Whole Emergenetics Team that encompasses all four Thinking Attributes (divergent and convergent styles of thinking) and spans the behavioral spectrum. Our research has shown that WEteams are more creative and productive than groups formed in other manners.

The bottom line? For a new take on team building ideas…it starts with the right kind of brains.

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