Great bosses

Managers are one of the most important drivers of workplace engagement, productivity and retention. According to Gartner, the direct reports of effective bosses are 15.4 times more likely to be high performers and 3.2 times more likely to stay at their company. These employees also have 12.5% higher physical and mental well-being. 

Talented supervisors don’t always get the recognition they deserve. As they strive to translate leadership objectives into team initiatives, guide and coach their people to achieve collective goals and contribute on an individual level, they often feel squeezed rather than celebrated. It’s no wonder 71% of middle managers report feeling stressed all the time!  

One small way that personnel at all levels can better support the supervisors in their organizations is to take a moment to recognize them – just like the great ones celebrate their people. As we commemorate National Bosses Day in the United States on October 16, it’s a great reminder to pause and appreciate the brilliance these managers bring to our workplaces.  

Inspired by the Emergenetics® Attributes, below are a few of the many things to celebrate about exceptional people leaders.  

NewAnalyticalWe value your commitment to efficiency.

There is no shortage of demands on employees’ time. Supervisors with an Analytical preference commonly have a knack for keeping their teams directed toward bottom-line-oriented priorities and identifying opportunities to align resources, talent and technology to optimize efficiency in pursuit of those objectives. We appreciate your efforts to maximize effectiveness.  

Pen On PaperWe celebrate the order you bring to our chaos.

Teams typically juggle many projects and tasks as they work towards individual and collective targets. Managers with a Structural preference are often gifted at decoding these initiatives into clear action items and timelines while also setting expectations so staff know what they need to do. We are grateful for your capacity to keep us on task. 

We are thankful for the connections you create.People talking bubbles icon

Strong working relationships are a significant driver of job satisfaction. Bosses with a Social preference typically fuel these connections by investing time and energy into team building. Additionally, their commitment to learning about their direct reports inside and outside of work promotes strong bonds. Thank you for your relational approach to management.  

Light bulb with brain inside iconWe welcome the possibilities you invite.

In times of significant change, it’s important to be open to new ways of working. Those supervisors who embrace Conceptual thought are usually eager to consider out-of-the-box solutions and inventive approaches. They invite us to brainstorm and ideate on the possibilities of any initiative. We value your commitment to promoting and testing new ideas. 

Two talking bubbles iconWe appreciate the listening ears and sounding boards.

Bosses in the first-third of Expressiveness tend to be quiet and introspective. Their innate disposition often makes them great listeners who create space for others to share their inputs and ideas. Those in the third-third are commonly gregarious and talkative. Their communication style makes them an excellent thought partner to work through ideas, considerations and questions. People leaders in the second-third can easily lean into either approach to support their staff. No matter your Expressiveness, thanks for being a part of many, many conversations. 

Car iconWe are grateful for your consensus-building and pacesetting.

Supervisors with a preference for first-third Assertiveness typically serve as shepherds. They want to ensure direct reports are brought along and secure buy-in for initiatives, creating a space where personnel know their concerns matter. Third-third bosses often apply a driving pace, encouraging employees with their energy and commitment to push projects forward. Those in the second-third can moderate their style to honor both sides of the spectrum! Wherever you fall on the spectrum, thank you for advancing the work in a meaningful way! 

Arrow on sign pointing in different directions iconWe value your focus and openness.

Managers in the first-third of Flexibility are usually committed to staying the course. Their actions help employees maintain focus and see projects through to fruition. Supervisors with a preference for third-third Flexibility are frequently energized by change and eager to accommodate the thoughts and actions of others. Their openness helps staff recognize that their inputs and ideas will have an impact. Bosses in the second-third often apply both approaches, depending on the situation and needs of their people. We know bosses have to ‘flex’ their flexibility on the regular, so thank you for adapting to support us. 

Great people leaders have an incredible influence on their personnel and the overall productivity of their organizations. I invite readers to take a moment to think about the managers who have made a difference in their lives and work. Sending a quick email, text or making a phone call to say thanks is a great way to help these individuals recognize the difference they have made and feel more motivated to continue positively shaping their workplaces. 

Want to help your managers be more effective? Empower them with training to maximize their impact and better support themselves and their teammates. Fill out the form below to speak with one of our staff members today to learn how Emergenetics can help.  


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