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Interviewing: How to Find a Job That Fits

Most everyone at some point in their life interviews for a job. Sometimes the interview is for THE job…..the one you’ve dreamed of or are hoping with all your being you’ll land. Interviewing is always a stressful time. Maybe it’s wanting to be good enough, or the fear of rejection that creates those internal butterflies. In the end, these anxious emotions stem from the worry of “fit.” Am I the right person for this role? Is this company the right fit for me? Will I fit in with my managers and coworkers? If you’re in this stage of life, here’s the good news: You’re perfectly normal! Everyone who interviews experiences these feelings. So what do you do to overcome your concerns and have successful interviews? Here’s a few secrets from a seasoned interviewer:

Be true to yourself and your strengths. If you land a position that is less than a good fit, it will require too much adapting, which may misdirect your energy, thus affecting your productivity. If you don’t get the dream job, it’ll be ok. Look for the perfect fit for your skill set, and more importantly a fit that motivates and inspires you.