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Discover the Missing Piece of Your New Hire’s Onboarding Experience

Personalization is everywhere these days. From companies allowing you to design your own shoes to websites being tailored to specific people and organizations, it’s clear that customization is meaningful to individuals. Forrester has even reported that 77 percent of consumers [1] have chosen, recommended or paid more for a brand that provides a personalized service or experience.

The concept of customization is also impacting the way organizations build their employee engagement programs. To attract great candidates and retain team members, it’s more important than ever for HR and talent development departments to consider how they create a compelling experience for each employee from day one, and that begins with onboarding.

How can you boost your onboarding experience? Try personalizing it by incorporating your new hire’s Emergenetics® preferences into their onboarding plan.

When you understand how your employees prefer to think and behave, you can make their first few months at your organization even more impactful by:

Engage Your Staff with Projects They’ll Enjoy

People who use their strengths every day are six times more likely to be engaged on the job [2]. When you understand your new hire’s preferences, you can build in more projects that are likely to give them energy as well as design tasks in a way that engages them.

Here are a few tips to do so:

Coaching Managers to Support Their New Hires

When a new hire has an Emergenetics Profile, Associates have an opportunity to coach the employee’s manager on how best to communicate and work with them. By understanding the new hire’s preferred ways for thinking and behaving, Associates and managers can determine the best ways to interact, collaborate and give feedback. With this additional insight, managers will be in a much better position to have productive, effective conversations early on in the new hire’s onboarding process.

Creating a Common Language

When your organization uses Emergenetics, you build a common language that connects all of your employees. It allows companies to strengthen communication as well as collaboration by orienting your teams around the Attributes.

For new hires, this language can be especially powerful because it helps them better understand themselves as well as the preferences of their teammates as well as gives new employees a safe way to address challenges, opportunities and differences in their approach to work.

Showing Your Investment

According to TLNT.com, 80 percent of workers [3] agree that being given the chance to learn new skills at work would make them more interested and engaged in their jobs. Having your new hires take an assessment as part of their onboarding process makes a statement that your organization is committed to investing in their professional development.

By helping new hires develop greater self-awareness with the Emergenetics Profile and understand how to better work with their team through the Meeting of the Minds, you can engage your employees early on in their work with your organization.

As more millennials and Gen Z employees enter the workforce, it will become more important for organizations to consider how organizations can personalize onboarding to create a powerful, positive employee experience.

Even if you are not hiring a lot of millennials or Gen Z employees at this time, this level of customization can be appreciated by all generations. After all, who doesn’t want to work at a company that invests in them as well as creates an onboarding experience that supports their interests and needs?

To learn more about how Emergenetics can support onboarding programs, please fill out the form below.